
Leon Stoffelen (Woodley, UK, 1992) depicts a reality as on a computer monitor. His is a constructed reality - often fragmentary, from daring perspectives, through a detached blue filter - derived from a variety of visual sources. Gay Chatroom decors and (pornographic) internet images may serve as inspiration, or Romantic paintings. The aim: to explore the queer identity. Growing up gay in a small town, Leon found two ostensibly contrasting escapes from the oppressive reality: nature and the internet. Both play a significant role in his work, which also plays with expectations, clichés and authenticity.

Stoffelen reworks imagery from these diverse simulations, isolating moments of unexpected tenderness and ephemeral connection. His work presents a series of fragmented yet tender moments, unfolding in a dreamlike, soft palette. Figures appear and dissolve, their interactions hovering between the staged and the spontaneous, the idealized and the corporeal. Set against paradisiacal backdrops - lush forests, untouched beaches, radiant sunsets - these fleeting exchanges evoke both intimacy and dislocation. Stoffelen’s work suggests an alternative visual language for queer intimacy - one that sidesteps both mainstream representation and overt eroticism. It reflects on the role of online spaces as sites of both escapism and self-discovery, revealing how queerness fosters an exalted, virtual sense of longing.



(BA) Fontys School of Fine Arts, Education in Visual Arts and Design, 2015

(BA) HKU, Fine Arts, 2018